5080 Bonita Road, Suite A, Bonita CA 91902

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Before Class:
- Arrive 5-10 minutes before class begins. (First time students arrive 10 minutes before class)
- Turn off cell phones and pagers and never bring them into the yoga room!
- Drink plenty of water throughout the day before coming to class. Hydration is very important.
- Sign in online before arrival.
- Have clean feet and be perfume free
- Ask questions either before or after class, but not during the class.

During Class:
- Refrain from talking in the yoga room. Many students use the time before class to quietly meditate and center themselves as they prepare for class.
- Do your very best to stay in the yoga room once class begins. If an emergency requires you to leave, please leave and return to the yoga room between postures (not during).
- You may bring bottled water into class with you and the teacher will indicate the points during class when everyone takes their water breaks.
- While you may use your hand towel to dry your hands to help with your grip, please refrain from wiping away your sweat throughout the class.
- Practice stillness between postures.
- Honor the silence of the room by moving quietly.
- Focus on only yourself in the mirror
- Do not talk during class

After Class:
- Observe silence after the final savasana. Leave the room quietly. Respect others.
- Place rented/borrowed mats inside laundry basket at the end of the hallway.
- Enjoy the peace and energy you're taking with you from class, and make up your mind to come back tomorrow!

I started doing yoga 7 years ago since my back problems started after doing high impact training, I used to fuel my hyperactivity with activities that felt like fueling me, but it ended up hurting my body in a bad way. One day I heard a voice and I followed the directions: Someone told me about this hot yoga and I had no idea what it was, but I gave it a chance, I showed up to the studio and at the end of the class I totally knew I belong there and never stopped. At the beginning of my yoga practice it was more about the physical healing, and that was the only part I understood about the practice, stretching, working out, contractions, losing weight, that was it. I consider myself a disciplined and mentally strong person, so I stick to the practice easily .And that’s when the magic began!

The moment I started understanding about how to listen to my body, I started to understand my body, and started to communicate with it and understand what exactly I need. That’s when my practice begun to introspect in my body and my mind and I started having the best communication and indescribable vibration between. How I control my body and how my mind automatically became affected, it was amazing! The real magic began between these two and everything else came automatically. I learned exactly what yoga was doing inside of me, I learned exactly what my body was asking me, what my body needs, being patient and respectful with it and understand exactly what I’m able to do and embrace every single part of my body the way it is. That’s when I learned exactly what really means flexible, it’s beyond of your body flexibility, it’s about your mind flexibility, have the ability to be able to be in every moment of your life without disrupting your peace and without take away your breath. On my life Yoga became my flexibility to be in different hard situations in my life, without losing my breath and be able to breath like nothing happens, being able to have my balance so no air, voice, not even an earthquake can disrupt me and take me down. Everything else that yoga gives to me, I say that there are the sprinkles on the cake. This Yoga is part of me.

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